The Embassy

Kenya opened her embassy in Bonn, Germany in 1964 just after attaining her independence from Britain in 1963. It is therefore, one of the oldest African embassies in Germany.

On 18th December, 2000, the Embassy moved to Berlin, following the relocation of the Federal capital from Bonn to Berlin.

The Embassy is also accredited to Poland and The Czech Republic.

Our address is:

Embassy of the Republic of Kenya
Rheinbabenallee 49
14199 Berlin

Tel.: +49-30-259266 - 11

Fax. +49-30-259266-50

Emergency number after 16.00 hrs+49- 162- 2662131 (Not for passport, visa or any other application enquiry)

All Email enquiries should be to:

General enquiries: office(at)

Consular Section - Passports and other Kenyan applications : /passport(at)

Consular Section  - eTa for Kenya: eta(at)

BUSINESS HOURS (for clients seeking Consular services, i.e. passports, visas, certificates, etc.)

Mondays to Fridays, 9.00 - 13.00 hrs only

Browse the Consular Section page for the application of documents/services from the Embassy

The Embassy remains closed on weekends and public holidays (both in Germany and Kenya).